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Panda83's Blog

I am a reader and proud of it!

Hey guys, do you know what kind of reader are you?

Reblogged from BookLikes:


Book lovers have different personalities just like ordinary people. We find it hard to choose only one as it also depends on the book(s) we're reading. For the most of the time we'll go for a mix of Polygamist+Extrovert+Altruist. Some books, however, make us monogamist introverts. And a very very tiny percentage of titles change us into neurotic readers. 


How about you? Share your personalities in the comment section below. 

Reblogged from Ann's Book Blog:

I'm so doing this...

Source: http://www.popsugar.com/love/Reading-Challenge-2015-36071458
Reblogged from Dilettante:

More helpful Shakespeare stuff: an infographic demonstrating how stabby his plays are.

Reblogged from It's a Mad Mad World:

Love this!